Bank Cukai Asia, eh Bank Central Asia, European Central Bank. Sejajar.

WARNING: Cumi-cumi mengandung 1,170mg kolesterol per 10 gr, sedangkan daging
ayam tanpa kulit hanya 50mg saja.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Boys n Girls <> wrote:

> Buffet kan di US
> kalau saya sih lebih suka BBCA... (ini bukan bank.. tapi Kasir :D)
> mungkin satu-satunya bank di dunia yang pendapatan utama dari memungut
> "komisi" dari uang yang numpang lewat
> ha.ha..
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 11:55 PM, cendrawira <> wrote:
>>   Hello mate
>> You asked some good questions there. To give you an awareness of how this
>> crisis started is because of over-leverage. From fleas, dogs, people to
>> companies in US are borrowing multiple times of their equities as
>> collateral. That is why overtime, companies are able to expand rapidly and
>> generate massive profits and with people/society having too much money be
>> able to push up share prices to epic ridiculous valuation. Thus everything
>> is wayyy overvalued in 2007-2008. Even now at the current S&P level, company
>> is just reasonably valued with sense with about 12-15x PER. Would you buy
>> something that will give you break even in over 10 years? I personally would
>> not do so. Imagine yourself buying business or investment that give you back
>> your total return in 12-15 years? Bah. Correct. Stocks historically during
>> the great depression is valued at 2-3x PER. Surprise? But of course the
>> condition in 1928 is different from now. The world has advanced much in many
>> terms(population, economically, standard of living, technology). People are
>> much smarter now than last time and information from internet has
>> dramatically shrank the world which give people edge in making timely
>> decision or taking advantage. I do not make money by making a bet on the
>> direction of the economy or hoping a screwed up company to overturn(This is
>> extremely hard), but I love something that is really good, the best in it's
>> industry, no problem with it's balance sheet, for discount sale in 20 years
>> !!
>> Investment Bank in US is practically dead for now, I do not dare to touch
>> an investment bank especially with derivatives because it is a giant ponzi
>> scheme, nobody will be there especially in this economic climate is able to
>> absorb the writedown/losses. I shudder at the thought of banks with
>> derivatives product, it is what cause US financial system meltdown and AIG,
>> Citigroup, Lehman brothers to go BUST. Retail, Commercial Banking will be
>> the face of new US financial system. My money is on Wells Fargo. Some people
>> like BK (Bank of New York Mellon) and USB (Us Bancorp), but I always like
>> the cream of the good, pick the best horse and run to the finish with it.
>> Good luck !
>> Fandy Cendrawira
>> --- On Sun, 3/8/09, 
>> wrote:
>> From: 
>> >
>> Subject: Us bank yang akan survive
>> To: <>
>> Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 5:46 PM
>> Dear cendrawira
>> Saya baru saja membaca tulisan anda mengenai perbankan (terutama
>> citigroup)
>> cukup bagus dan logis , tapi bukankah harga di pasar saham us sudah cukup
>> efisien sehingga seharusnya harga skrg udah mencerminkan valuenya yg
>> skarang?
>> Cmiiw. Lalu mengenai bank yang akan survive dan bisa memberikan return yg
>> besar
>> yg seperti anda tulis tsb , apakah bank tsb memang mempunyai potensi
>> begitu
>> bagusnya dan portfolio yang lebih baik dari para peers nya? .
>> Kalo boleh share bank 2 yang berpotensi seperti itu bank apa pak? Apakah
>> investment bank( potensi leverage besar
>> Sehingga bisa growth dengan luar biasa) ato bank2 konvensional yang
>> mengandalkan business retail dan commercial , karena saya masih agak awam
>> pak di
>> bidang investasi , jadi mohon bantuannya.
>> Trima kasih banyak pak
>> Salam hangat
>> Anthony
>> Sent via BlackBerry® from Telstra Network

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