DarkTouch wrote:
>Even then, it isn't very exact.
>Imagine that in the SRD in addition to those spells, Mordenkainen and Bigby
are also NPCs. Both illustrious individuals as well as 'all spell names' are
considered closed content either through PI or (nonsensicly) non-inclusion
in the SRD.

Addressing this statement, I do think there is a great degree of sensibility
to non-inclusion in the SRD, and here's why...

With the SRD, I have a complete "generic" game.  I can take all of the
documents, merge them into one document, and then begin editing from the
beginning all the way to the end to create "Jimmy's [non-D&D] Role-Playing
Game", without *any* concern about WotC PI (or un-opened IP) being within
it.  I don't have to fish for PI terms, names, or expressions of setting.
It's all stripped out, nice and clean, for the beneficiaries of the OGL (all
of us) to use without concern or worry that *we* have removed the forbidden

This just fails to come across to me as nonsensical to me, but is rather a
clear example of PI vs OGC separation ("instructive", as Spike Y Jones put
it) and extremely convenient for all of us.  If anyone would deem it
nonsensical, it would be WotC accountants questioning the man-hours and
financial investment required to give it to us (which they either haven't
done or, if they did, the proponents of the OGL within WotC won the debate).

~Jimmy Domsalla

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "DarkTouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Ogf-l] PI Spell Names

> Even then, it isn't very exact.
> Imagine that in the SRD in addition to those spells, Mordenkainen and
> are also NPCs. Both illustrious individuals as well as 'all spell names'
> considered closed content either through PI or (nonsensicly) non-inclusion
> in the SRD.
> The crux of the question involves being able to tie the name to the Spell
> name in some way that when I rename the NPC with my new handy-dandy open
> content name that I know that handy-dandy name belongs to BOTH the NPC AND
> the appropriate Spell. And it hasn't sudden'y become Mord's Interposing
> and Bob's Magnificent Mansion.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Spike Y Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 3:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Ogf-l] PI Spell Names
> > On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 15:26:35 -0500
> >  "DarkTouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Venca is the undead diety of greyhawk. Wizards releases a book that
> > > is OGC with Venca listed as PI so I can't use him in my product.
> > > This same book also has a number of spells in it that are directly
> > > related to our undead god. The names of these spells which are
> > > things like 'Venca's Hand of doom' and 'Venca's horrid vomit' are
> > > also listed as PI.
> > >
> > > The question is: Do I _KNOW_ that the spells which are in a
> > > completely different chapter from the Diety Venca are in fact
> > > related to the diety? Or for my purposes are they just nameless
> > > spells and nameless dieties?
> >
> > If the publisher simply listed "Venca" as PI, and did not also list
> > "spell names" or "spell names that include the word Venca" as PI,
> > then you'd be able to call your spells "Hand of Doom" and "Horrid
> > Vomit".
> >
> > There is a parallel here to the fact that there are spells in the
> > Player's Handbook called "Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion" and
> > "Bigby's Interposing Hand," and there are spells in the SRD called
> > "Magnificent Mansion" and "Interposing Hand", and the former are
> > off-limits, while the latter are Open Content. (The parallelism is
> > inexact, because WotC didn't use PI to accomplish this, but it's
> > instructive nonetheless.)
> >
> > Spike Y Jones
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