On 6/8/2010 11:05 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

> Quoting Lee Passey<l...@novomail.net>:
>> The key here is that the XML encoding /must/ carry /all/ of the data
>> currently stored in the OL record sets, which is something that the
>> current RDF API does not do. In my opinion, completeness trumps
>> conformance to any particular vocabulary.
> Lee, could you point out OL data that isn't getting output but should?
> That would be helpful.

1. See the thread that John Miedema started on June 7.

2. I only look at OL data when I need a large set of data for database 
testing. I recall comparing the JSON data to the RDF back in mid-May, 
and almost immediately finding incomplete data. Of course, the RDF 
"template" has been in a state of flux, so I cannot guarantee that what 
I saw then still exists (although in many cases I suspect it does). As I 
run across examples I will post references here, to your attention.

3. The OL schema isn't. What is described on the web site is already 
out-of-date, yet data entered using an older schema persists. My hunch 
is that if you were to look at the oldest data you would find much data 
that does not convert to RDF, which is understandable because you have 
no way of knowing that that data even existed -- yet it does. I'm not 
inclined to go out of my way to find some of these odd records for you, 
but if I run across them on my way to doing other things I would be 
happy to point them out.

4. Compare http://openlibrary.org/books/OL7051625M.rdf to 
http://openlibrary.org/books/OL7051625M.json. You will note that the 
JSON record contains references to the source text at Internet Archive, 
which the RDF does not. It also contains a certain amount of 
"administratrivia" (revision numbers, creation date, cover ids) that the 
RDF also does not possess. Perhaps most importantly, the RDF does not 
contain a reference to the corresponding work record which contains most 
of the subject headings (but not the Dewey Decimal Number, which I would 
have assumed would attach to a work and not an edition. Odd.)

Remember, the actual data for any edition, work, or author is stored in 
the JSON record. You cannot hope to look at the web presentation and be 
assured in any way that you are seeing all the data; you must look at 
the JSON record itself.
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