In my experience constraining the rdf+XML syntax does work well in
making the rdf more palatable for those wanting XML. However, also
from real experience, suggesting consumers use XML tools does the
consumer a dis-service.

Rdf is a graph, a web of relationships, which is what makes it less
constraining than XML. XML only represents tree structures, a subset
of graphs. Consuming the graph, and understanding it, gives you a
model to work with that is far more useful and flexible.

Rob Styles

On 9 Jun 2010, at 21:45, "Erik Hetzner" <> wrote:

> At Wed, 09 Jun 2010 13:12:56 -0600,
> Lee Passey wrote:
>> On 6/8/2010 8:23 PM, Erik Hetzner wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> In my opinion, RDF is more constraining than XML, because it forces
>>> the designer to think clearly about the underlying model, rather
>>> than
>>> presenting a lot of different metadata fields.
>> Then I will leave it to you to explain to the W3C how the RDF
>> specification failed to meet the design goal of "represent[ing]
>> information in a minimally constraining, flexible way."
> I’ll see what I can do. :)
>> […]
>> And if the graph doesn't have a schema I understand, I'm hosed;
>> thus the
>> value of constraints. If I know OL will always represent a person as
>> foaf:person, then I can code for that. But if OL sometimes
>> represents a
>> person as foaf:person, and sometimes as dcterms:agent, and
>> sometimes as
>> rdg2:person, and sometimes as rdf:description and sometimes using
>> some
>> new vocabulary that has not yet been invented that a human being
>> could
>> recognize as conveying "personness" but not a computer algorithm,
>> then I
>> don't know how to deal with that. Of course I can ignore what I don't
>> understand, but what happens if there is nothing left when I do?
> I agree that in order to use the data, one needs to be able to
> understand the vocabulary that is used.
>>> The more
>>> the merrier. If OL outputs FOAF&  RDA,&  it conforms to the
>>> semantics
>>> of both, great. If I know what FOAF is, I can use that, but if I
>>> only
>>> understand RDA, I can use that instead, and not worry about the
>>> differences between the semantics of RDF&  FOAF, because OL has done
>>> that for me.
>> Surely you're not suggesting that OL create RDF records that contain
>> every possible representation of its data in every possible
>> vocabulary...
> Sure, if they can do it. Why not?
>>> I really don’t see the problem. A graph can be trimmed
>>> wherever you like.
>> The problem is never a surfeit of data, it is always a paucity
>> thereof.
> Agreed, which is why I said above that the more vocabularies
> supported, the better, all other things being equal.
>>> For the record, XSLT is not very useful for dealing with RDF+XML,
>>> unless one constrains (!) the syntax of RDF+XML.
>> Precisely my point. Thus, OL should constrain its RDF/XML syntax to a
>> limited vocabulary, and rely on XSLT to generate unconstrained
>> vocabularies as needed, as the reverse is not possible. In setting
>> those
>> limits, it should start by trying to determine which vocabulary
>> (ies) are
>> most useful to its consumers and potential consumers. This is, so
>> far,
>> the issue that no one has addressed directly.
> Processing RDF+XML with XSLT is not made easier by constraining the
> RDF vocabularies used, but by constraining the syntax of RDF+XML. See,
> e.g., the RSS 1.0 spec.
> best, Erik
> <ATT00001>
> <ATT00002..txt>

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