The legacy project had an instance [1] of a source code
searching, cross reference application called "OpenGrok"[2].  It is
very useful, especially in a 6 million LOC project like OOo.

Have we ever used OpenGrok at Apache?  If not, is there an alternative
that other projects are using?  Or are most other projects small
enough that local IDE cross reference databases are sufficient?

The pre-req's for OpenGrok are on their website [3] and include
GlassFish or Tomcat (6.x or later)  with Java at least 1.6, and
Exuberant Ctags [4]

Is this something that appears technical feasible, based on the server
support have at Apache?  Easy, medium or hard?

If this seems like a relatively easy thing to get hosted on Apache
infrastructure, we can discuss further on the project to see if we can
find a volunteer to drive it.  But I wanted to check first to see if
this looked reasonable.




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