
It is important to understand the responsibility of the AOOo project to support 
its infrastructural needs beyond the basics that are available to all projects. 
 And even then, the project has curation and administration responsibility for 
aspects of the SVN (e.g., how it is used to deploy web properties) and 
especially the Bugzilla.

Dave captures the tension between what is wanted and what is offered quite 
neatly.  It goes farther to offer support for something than to request 
provision of it as if support comes for free.  And infrastructure has a primary 
concern in assuring that offered support is sustainable.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Fisher [mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:35
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Cc: Jürgen Schmidt
Subject: Re: Hosting OpenGrok?


On Oct 15, 2011, at 4:05 PM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:

> Jürgen Schmidt wrote on Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 00:04:59 +0200:
>> I don't wanted to be arrogant or presumptuous but i really don't care here
>> about other projects.
> Infra won't install your stuff without considering the effect on the 100
> or so other ASF projects too.

One of the advantages that Oracle provided was support for a lot of 
infrastructure. This included enough sysadmin support. We've seen what happens 
now that those "resources" are elsewhere. The difference at the ASF is one of 
bootstrapping. Apache Infrastructure is a team of volunteers and they can only 
support so much.

When a new set of "necessary" infrastructure like MediaWiki or OpenGrok is 
requested it becomes the requesting project's responsibility to provide enough 
volunteers to convince Apache Infrastructure that they won't be stuck with an 
operational or security problem.

I'm not sure if this particular "no" from Apache Infrastructure is more a 
blanket no due to issues like adding load on the SVN repos, or is more another 
project request that the project can't support.

As a project we are only now getting a handle on sysadmin of the migrated BZ 
instance. MediaWiki and Fora are about ready and Infra is supportive even with 
a bare minimum of support from AOOo. I don't think we have enough clear 
volunteers for the MW and the User Forums, but we are close.


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