
On 10 November 2011 12:40, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I have noticed as each N-L project is ported that they are all unique. Each 
> community has made its own choices about what is in the "site".  At the ASF 
> the PPMC must be responsible for governing the project. We must find a way to 
> be a global community, yet we also need to follow a few rules.

I quite agree. The issue with us, was that we needed—or I felt we
needed—to grow exponentially, and fast. But at this point, I do
believe that autonomy is great, but autonomy without community is a
nonstarter, and a community only can sustain itself by agreeing to
core beliefs and practices. As we no longer have corporate overlords
here in Apache land, and as we really are a community driven thing, a
res publica, then I would suggest that one of our topmost orders of
business be the communal crafting and articulation and posting of a
manifesto—a declaration of identity within Apache—that gives guidance
as well as identity to Apache OO's members/contributors.


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