> When all prerequisites are fullfilled then these commands are necessary to
> build OpenOffice:
> cd <dir>/main
> autoconf
> ./configure <options of your choice>
> ./bootstrap
> source Linux<platform-id>.set.sh
> cd instsetoo_native
> build --all
> Here <dir> is the directory where the SVN source code was checked out to.
> Call ./configure --help to see what options are available for inclusion
> into <options of your choice>.  --with-dmake-url= is a good candidate.
> <platform-id> depends, well, on your platform.  There should be only two
> files starting with Linux.  Use the one that ends in .sh when you use bash,
> use the other one for csh.
Thank you, Andre.
It is very detailed and helpful. I will check the configure result to see
the reason of failur.

Thanks to Eric too:-)

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