
2012/5/1 Claudio Filho <filh...@gmail.com>

> 2012/5/1 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>:
> > 1) Do we have a ooo-geral-ptbr mailing list set up already?  If not,
> > I'd recommend starting with that.  Having a strong pt_br presence in
> > the project, to support translation, marketing, communications and
> > user support is critical.   That becomes the base that supports a
> > successful social media campaign.
> When i did the request[1], hadn't support from PPCM. I remember that
> you  was volunteer as admin.
> [1]https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-4532
The create list suggestion Claudio.

> > 2) If we do have the mailing list set up already, then I'd recommend
> > discussing the social media question there as well.
> Today, our list is here[2], and we coordinate our works there.
> [2]
> http://listas.escritoriolivre.org/listinfo.cgi/geral-escritoriolivre.org

Yes, we used this list.

> > 3)  If Albino (or any other contributor) is trusted and is actively
> > contributing to the project, then we should ask whether their project
> > role should reflect that level of contribution.  In other words, the
> > goal is not to put PPMC responsibilities to non-PPMC members.  But the
> > goal is to turn those volunteers who take on additional
> > responsibilities into PPMC members.  See the difference?
> Absolutely, Rob, and agree.

Me too, Absolutely Rob.

> > 4) Personally, I think we want the social media accounts to be
> > accountable/answerable to the PPMC.  Having them run by active PPMC
> > members is one way.
> And i will do. I will be this PPMC member with him.

Thank you too much.

I can also contribute social networking aoo and aoobr.

> Claudio


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