
2012/5/1 Claudio Filho <filh...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> 2012/5/1 Albino Biasutti Neto <biasut...@gmail.com>:
> > Alessandro, what think edit page G+ for AOOBr ?
> > As we have an official page in G+, but not yet have the Brazil.
> Very good, Albino. For brazilian profile is essential this social
> networks.  I think that you can do for pt-BR in Twitter and Identi.ca
> too. I can "help" you as admin of them.
> @Rob, do you see some problem with this? I trust in Albino, and he
> works with me in our localization.
> Best,
> Claudio

As no answer came the suggestion, I created the page in the G + AOOBr (and


identi.ca e twitter: @apacheoobr

hastag: #aoobr #apacheoobr

Fbook: facebook.com/pages/ApacheOOBr/292752464142929

G+: plus.google.com/112706983446689880036


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