
On 16.05.2012 19:27, Kay Schenk wrote:
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 4:24 AM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann<
orwittm...@googlemail.com>  wrote:
as our release AOO 3.4 is out now for more than a week I think it would
make sense to reactivate a simple update service for installed OOo 3.3
I have already seen a post on the users mailing list that the update
functionality is not working in OOo 3.3. I assume that corresponding posts
also exist in the forum.
 From my point of view it is time to let our OOo 3.3 users know via the
update functionality that we have released AOO 3.4.

The update URL for OOo 3.3 is:
 a query part ?pkgfmt=<pkgformat>  for non-Windows platforms)

As this URL resolves to nothing, the user currently gets the following
response from the update functionality in OOo 3.3:
Status: Checking for an update failed.
Description: Error reading data from the network.
Server error message: Could not read status line: An existing connection
was forcibly closed by the remote host.

There are two solutions:

(A) "static" solution:
Provide an XML document similar to the one which is attached when an HTTP
GET request to the above given URL is made.
The attached XML document contains an atom feed according to [1]
Currently, it only contains entries for:
- German, Windows
- German, MacOS X
- German, Linux, 32bit
- German, Linux, 64bit
- English-US, Windows
I hope I got the inst:os and inst:arch content right for all the platforms.
For Windows and MacOS we could directly provide download links. Thus, the
update functionality can download it and install it on corresponding user
For Linux we can not distinguish the different needed package formats in
this "static" solution - as far as I know. Thus, a landing page can be
given here. The update functionality can open it in the user's default
browser on corresponding user demand. In the attached XML document I
included our AOO 3.4 release announcement page as this landing page - this
is only a proposal.
The final XML document needs to be extended by entries for all possible
combinations. This would mean 4 entries (Windows, MacOS X, Linux 32bit,
Linux 64bit) for each language which we had released for AOO 3.4.
It would be also be possible to include more combinations for which we
have no package. We could create a special landing page for these which
state that AOO 3.4 is out and that the user might want to have a look, if
one of the provided packages would fit her/his needs.

For this solution we need to provide the XML document at the above given


Hi. OK, a dumb question...have you ascertained that this doc actually
works? That is, have you tested it with some sort of URL redirect?

Right now, we have an area on the web server that could house this...in


If you overwrite check.Update with this file, and do a local host setup,
your own /etc/hosts, and redirect update36.services.openoffice.org to

you could test it out

One of the problems we will run into, esp for Linux (I don't know about
other platforms) is that the user has a appended "pkgfmt" already on the
update URL, so in my experimenting, the update call failed because an
acceptable package was not found.

Your analysis about just leading linux folks to the url of a page for an
update is great, but what to do about the existing information?

Anyway, copy your doc over to the web server, setup the redirect, and let
us know how things go.

I have updated the XML document on /projects/update36/ProductUpdateService.
I have tested on an Ubuntu 11.10 in a VM with an fresh installed OOo 3.3 en-US and with the redirect in /etc/hosts as you had suggested. The result of my test is that the update functionality in OOo 3.3 informs me about an available update. I could browse via the corresponding button in the update functionality to the given URL which is http://www.openoffice.org/news/aoo34.html - see the updated XML document.

Best regards, Oliver.

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