2012/5/20 win <wmbo...@gmail.com>

> On 05/20/2012 04:11 PM, Paulo de Souza Lima wrote:
>> The fact is: there's a lot of people helping AOO and you don't really know
>> them. And they don't want to fill a form to officially help AOO or Apache
>> Foundation. But it would be good to see they are recognized as "helpers",
>> or "contributors", or whatever, some way.
> Perhaps those that can use both the NL and English can be liaisons between
> the the NL community and the community here.  They could help NL users by
> either assisting with posting here if a subject needs to be brought up
> here.  As well they could keep local users informed of what is happening in
> this community.

Me, Claudio, Albino, Raul and Kayo are already doing that. We don't want to
play the " proxy" role, so we don't have any private lists. All we discuss
in Brazil is in a public list. So you can also have access to the content,
using, perhaps, Google Translate.

>  Another possibility is a variety of badges or such for helping out on the
> NL lists and/or being liaisons .  The NL groups sound like users groups to
> me, at least historically, so maybe that is a model that should be
> considered.

In September there will be 2 large FLOSS events in the same week in Brazil.
FISL12 and FTSL. People will be there and we want to talk about AOO. Can we
do that? Of course we are not ASF representatives, but may we talk about
the project? Ask for people to join us? Is there some way we can identify
ourselves to the project?

> On a side note, even English users that just want to help are intimidated
> by many of the same things the NL users are apparently. After months of
> reading this list, I am just learning how to post here, since I haven't
> used an email list in ages.  I don't code, or do html/css.  I'll do what I
> can though, and hope it helps.

=) Welcome to the club!

Paulo de Souza Lima
Curitiba - PR
Linux User #432358
Ubuntu User #28729

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