
2012/5/24 Kevin Grignon <kevingrignon...@gmail.com>

> Hey All,
> Great thread, many great research questions in here.
> Overall, we are moving in the right direction. We need to understand who
> uses AOO, and what they use it for. What works, what doesn't . Context of
> use, when and where is also important.
> Let's move the conversation to the UX wiki, and capture some our research
> question candidates.
> Also, let's look at previous research efforts to help us quickly build a
> strong survey. Sun, Oracle, IBM and the OO community have performed user
> research in the past. Let's leverage this content, where possible.
> In addition to a capturing a series of research questions, let's capture
> our thoughts in the UX wiki on our research strategy. Beyond email list and
> forums, we may want to consider how we might use social media channels to
> drive traffic to the user research questions.
> Finally, let's think about how we take the output of the research data and
> turn the data into UX work products that will help drive informed design
> and development decisions. Harvesting data to create user roles and usage
> scenarios would be a logical start.
> I volunteer to create some UX wiki pages to help capture this content.


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