
2012/5/23 Graham Lauder <g.a.lau...@gmail.com>

> Sorry, I'm not understanding.
> Have you prepared some questions or
> are you preparing some questions and
> what sort of details are we talking about.
I'm preparing some questions, the detalis is of questions.

> >
> > Suggetion of site for creates questions:
> >
> > doodle.com
> > survey.usability-methods.com
> > ...
> >
> > Open to suggestions !
> I have a lime survey setup on a webhost that we can use also which will
> give
> us plenty of flexibility
> We also need to identify our respondents and figure out a way to get the
> survey in front of them.

2012/5/23 Graham Lauder <y...@apache.org>

> OK, here's a question:  I'd like to know if users would like the option to
> be
> able to "Skin" their AOO interface
> The other question that arises from this from developers/artists point of
> view:  If the faclity was available would people like to create skins for
> AOO.

> For instance, would it be possible to code up an application similar to a
> WYSIWYG webeditor like Kompozer, in which you could design a skin for your
> interface and then that application would generate an extension that would
> allow the user to download the skin from the extensions repository and thus
> change the look and feel of their interface.
> (I'm not making a case that this would be a good use of projects resources
> at
> this point, just asking the question as to the possibility)
> I ask because I am mindful of the difference of the freshness in the look
> between OOo and Symphony and our users have made this point over a fairly
> substantial amount of time.

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