But none of you are native English speakers. English varies from country to 
country around the world. Why not disable or rename the second version when the 
name collides?


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On Jun 19, 2012, at 7:07 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On 6/19/12 9:17 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:
>> On 19.06.2012 05:07, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> there have been some reports of users complaining that the Thesaurus
>>> does not work.
>>> The root of the issue is in the dictionary extensions we are shipping:
>>> two of them collide due to lack of uniqueness in the configuration node
>>> name, namely dict-en.oxt (the generic EN dictionary) and
>>> dict-en-nz-2008-12-03.oxt. The conflict happens on the Thesaurus node:
>>> * dict-en.oxt:
>>> <node oor:name="ThesDic_en-US" oor:op="fuse">
>>>     <prop oor:name="Locations" oor:type="oor:string-list">
>>>         <value>%origin%/th_en_US_v2.dat</value>
>>>     </prop>
>>>     <prop oor:name="Format" oor:type="xs:string">
>>>         <value>DICT_THES</value>
>>>     </prop>
>>>     <prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">
>>>         <value>en-GB en-US en-ZA en-AU en-CA</value>
>>>     </prop>
>>> </node>
>>> * dict-en-nz-2008-12-03.oxt:
>>> <node oor:name="ThesDic_en-US" oor:op="fuse">
>>>     <prop oor:name="Locations" oor:type="oor:string-list">
>>>         <value>%origin%/th_en_US_v2.dat</value>
>>>     </prop>
>>>     <prop oor:name="Format" oor:type="xs:string">
>>>         <value>DICT_THES</value>
>>>     </prop>
>>>     <prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">
>>>         <value>en-NZ</value>
>>>     </prop>
>>> </node>
>>> As you see, they have the same name, "ThesDic_en-US", despite the fact
>>> that the official documentation states clearly that dictionary extension
>>> developers should use a unique node name, see
>>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extension_Dictionaries#Dictionary_entries_.28must_be_provided.29
>>> specially "About node names for the dictionaries".
>> The thesaurus file in dict-en-au-2008-12-15 did rename the thesaurus
>> file to th_en_AU_v2.dat.  That avoids the conflict but still wastes 18MB
>> of disk space.
>>> I didn't research what the fuse operation is *supposed* to do there
>>> (it's applied to the node, not to the properties), but the documentation
>>> is clear in stating that the node name must be unique. And the result is
>>> that the properties are not fused but replaced, having as effect that
>>> the en-NZ dictionary installed disables the thesaurus for en-US.
>>> As this bug has its root in the dictionary extensions, the only thing we
>>> can do to fix it is just provide only one extension, in this case
>>> dict-en.oxt.
>> Dropping the other english dictionaries is a good idea for other
>> reasons, too.  Issue 119272
>> (https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=119272) describes the
>> problem of all dictionaries using more than 160MB, most of this are the
>> large thesaurus files.  Including only one english dictionary would
>> reduce this number considerably.  Besides, it contains support for most
>> variants of English anyway.
> +1 for reducing the number of "en" dictionaries. Please propose a
> related issue for 3.4.1 that we can track it.
> Please no commits on AOO34 without a 3.4.1 issue!
> Juergen
>> -Andre
>>> Note that I only discovered this bug in the English dictionary
>>> extensions, I didn't check other languages, but we should do so in the
>>> cases where we're providing more than one dictionary extension.
>>> Regards

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