On 16/07/2012 21:14, sebb wrote:
On 16 July 2012 19:01, Rob Weir wrote:
The registration URL's for OOo 3.3 look like this:
So we should be able to handle this entirely with ASF.

I've seen (in 3.3.0, build 9567)

But I thought there was another version that went directly to an
Oracle domain.  Maybe that was OOo 3.4 beta 1?

OOo 3.4 beta 1 used something that currently redirects, for me, to
but being a beta version it was installed by a small fraction of users, and anyway the page works (it is an Oracle account registration, which is probably useless to OpenOffice users, but is online).

I'm not suggesting that 3.4.0 be updated to include registration,
merely that it would be helpful to direct users of 3.3 to the new
version, and let them know that the registration step has not failed.

So I'd propose to ask Infra to redirect the whole domains
to something that explains that OpenOffice.org is now at Apache. I've looked at some options on the openoffice.org website, but the best candidate seems to be a blog post:

Does anyone have better links to propose? Otherwise I guess we can ask Infra to setup the redirection.


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