
On 07.08.2012 23:44, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
On 23/07/2012 Rob Weir wrote:
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
So I'd propose to ask Infra to redirect the whole domains
to something that explains that OpenOffice.org is now at Apache.
So it might make sense to send them to the download page?  Or a
custom/new page that says:
a) Thank you for installing OOo
b) OOo is now at Apache
c) The latest version is AOO 3.4.  You can get it here (give download link)
d) Useful extensions and templates are here (give links)
e) If you want to stay informed about new releases and other
announcements, here is our announcement link, Twitter account, etc.

I created a page with this content at

This page looks good.

May be we can use it also for our update service. It could be the landing page for users of legacy OOo versions for whose language we do not have a released package. Currently, the update service for such legacy OOo versions is not active.

Best regards, Oliver.

If we have lazy consensus (i.e., no objections in 72 hours or so) on this, I'll
then proceed and ask Infra to redirect all legacy links to this page. This
includes the whole subdomains above and, if someone manages to find it, the URL
OpenOffice opens when one uninstalls version 3.3.


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