On Sat, 1 Apr 2000 "M. Uli Kusterer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: OODL: Moving the mailing list(s)
> >My hunch was that this (sourceforge) was only an "announcement" list. That
> >is something "NEW" that was not offered yet.
> >
> >I don't think we WANTED to pull the plug on the lists that is being hosted
> I have the same idea as Mark. If Scott still wants to bear us, I think we
> should still stay a while. Of course, if Scott would prefer to free the
> bandwidth we're taking on his server, Adrian could look into getting us a
> discussion list on the SF server. But it'd be preferrable if we had a while
> of "overlap" so we can pull back in case we encounter problems on SF.

Bandwidth isn't the problem, it's the seemingly daily manual list
maintenance that's required (bounces, misdirected unsubscribe
messages, please-change-my-address requests,
can't-unsubscribe-because-my-address-changed problems, etc.)

Since there was no objection to my proposal to provide the lists to
Adrian, I've sent them to him and asked him to integrate them into the
sourceforge lists.  That will prevent losing a lot of people who may
decide it's not worth the bother to resubscribe to the new list (and
having a lot of lurkers is not totally without value ;-)

I recommend the following time table:
This week: We'll get the subscription stuff done and test the new list.
Next week: I'll set the opencard mailing list here to redirect
   postings to the new list.
Next month: I'll shut down the ufp and opencard mailing lists.

Just for completeness, here's the new list information again:

> Adrian: There is now a list for general discussion set up on
> SourceForge.  We will *not* be moving to this list immediately, but
> it would be good if people would subscribe and test it out a little.
> To subscribe go to
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/admin/freecard-general and fill
> out the form.  You can also send a message to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with help in the
> subject or body.

We can always stop the transition if any problems arise, but given the
resources behind sourceforge this seems unlikely.
> Cheers,
> - -- M. Uli Kusterer

Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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