I am here since the fall of last year (around year) and if I am allowed, I 
would like to make the following thoughts that may make OpenCog project 
more attractable in the eyes of developers and users:

1) The first feature of OpenCog is its internal complexity. One can read 
two-volume AGI book and wonder about ideas about organizing mind agents and 
processing nodes in multiprocessor, distributed architectures, about load 
balancing and execution priorities, internode communication, etc. All these 
are pretty low level technicalities that require the expertise of system 
programmers, but this is quite rare expertise. There are far more business 
application programmers or scientific application programmers that are 
relying on the OS features and speciality software features (like MPICH) to 
write and execute their high level application code.

I have this discussion in other thread 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/opencog/X_eKhNErmC8 about 
possibility to use external software and external services more extensively 
in OpenCog project. So far OpenCog project is about graph database, about 
graph pattern matching and graph pattern mining, about rule engine - but 
all these technical services are separate project today. I guess that in 
the time of making first OpenCog lines, there were no graph databases, the 
resarch and tools of graph mathcing and mining was only ascent field. But 
today the situation is far more different - today graph databases and 
mathcing/mining projects are available. Maybe the development strategy 
should be changed - maybe one should more extensively use these projects 
and there is mismatch of requirements then contribute to these speciality 
projects back and not to try overdo them. E.g. I do not believe that it is 
economically feasibile to reimplement graph database. There are graph 
database projects, there is ThinkerPop (JDBC) like interface and there is 
Gremlin (SQL) like language. And can implement algorithms in the graph 
database-agnostic way and use all the industrial power of the best database 
available. Scientists do use commercial off-the-shelf computers for HPC, 
why not to use industrial software? And similar things we can say about use 
of external reasoners (linear logic, Coq, Isabelle, etc.).

I guess, that OpenCog graph database, matcher and miner features are more 
or less completed, so this work is not required for novice who would like 
to contribute to AGI with OpenCog. But the question still stands. If one 
starts to think about load balancing, about scalability - can we safely 
assume that from the technical point of view OpenCog surpasses the 
industrial graph databases? And what to do if our Atomspaces are growing 
and growing and there is need to improve this in the project? Should be 
move to the low level job of systems programmers which requires so 
different expertise? I am just afraid whether the project is going in the 
right direction. People would like to concentrate on their models and 
knowledge bases not on the techniques. 

2) Second obstacle to my adoption of OpenCog was some missed documentation. 
E.g. other programming systems have BNF formalization of their languages 
and the strict and exhaustive list of the constructions and available 
patterns. OpenCog has very good list of all the node and link types but 
sometimes I would like to have strict definitions what nodes can be used 
with what links. At present I am a bit afraid that I have to do some 
experimentation. If the language had more formal specification then it 
would be possible to develop and formalize this specification furher - e.g. 
go from the textual code to the hypergraph, from programs to the hypergraph 
transformations and see what we can deduce from such semantics.

3) Third and last obstacle to my adoption was remoteness of the OpenCog 
ideas and concepts. It was great to have OpenCog experience because it 
invites me to look deeper in the OO notions. I.e. OpenCog is thinking in 
more basic terms of extensional in intensional inheritance/association, 
OO/UML modelling oversimplifies things. It is good, but still - some 
canonical mapping from OpenCog notions to the more widely adopted knowledge 
modelling notions would be helpful. Even more so because I am pretty sure 
that there are people who have made such mappings for themselves. And 
similar things I can say about the probabilistic term logic that is 
underlying OpenCog - it is not the most popular thing in the market. Again, 
I am not against such approach, I just invite to present some canonical 
mapping to the more popular logics. I don't exactly remember but AGI books 
had such explanation, if I am correct. 

So - the general conclusion is: there are ideas about modularization of 
OpenCog. But it seems to me that everyone here expects that modules will be 
developed by OpenCog society. My view is different. Modularization is 
required but we should use already available software (be it external open 
source) for graph database, mathcer, miner, rule engine and grow these 
projects and grow ourselves with the growth of these external projects. 
That is the true modularization.

Well, please, don't take seriously my thoughts I just expressed my 
opinions. I am in quite difficult position. I need to make decision to what 
knowledge base to commit and I am afraid not to take the wrong decision. 
There are so much factors under consideration and sure, everyone has his or 
her opinions about the ideal project. But things are coming and going. I am 
working in my profession on broadcasting system and I have seen how much 
the TV adverstising business is changing and how its supporting software is 
changing too. So - why should be expect that the software for cognitive 
architectures remains static.

There were talks about funding. But funding for what? For developing yet 
another graph database? Facebook, Google exploited open source software as 
much it was possible during the initial growth phase and it was the base on 
which the success story was built. Of course, after some time they started 
to contribute back to the community. And they are still engaged and open 
with the community and it is the mutual growth and for mutual benefit.

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