>  I'll keep looking, but we are planning to roll
> >a LessTif tarball before the weekend, so don't expect a fix for this
> >before then. Luckily it's more of a convience thing than a show stopper.
> >
> >
> Um, well, those of us who do lots of DX'ing do it two-handed: note that all
> the Ctrl-keys for Image are one-hand (left) while keeping the other hand on
> the mouse. So, I would agree this is not currently a show-stopper, but I
> would elevate its importance far higher than a 'convenience'. I >could<


> throw my TV remote away, but then I'd have to haul my lazy ass off the
> couch again, like back in the 50's (remember them, anyone?).

You don't have to go back to the 50's for the remoteless days. If I recall
correctly the 60's were pretty much remoteless. BTW, did they have TV in the

> That said, thanks for all the effort recently Rick! I'm sure when you get a
> chance you will return to take a look at this item and find some elegant
> fix.
> Chris Pelkie
> Vice President/Scientific Visualization Producer
> Conceptual Reality Presentations, Inc.
> 30 West Meadow Drive
> Ithaca, NY 14850
> (607) 257-8335 or (607) 254-8794

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