Hi Silje,

The current AOM has an other_details attribute inside TRANSLATION_DETAILS
which would allow something like

other_details =<
    ["secondary_translators"] = <"Ian McNicoll, freshEHR, UK", "Sebastian
Garde, Ocean Informatics, DE">

would that be enough, or do we need accreditation details for each
translator? That would need a change to the Archetype Object model - easy
to do but not until we get ADL 2.0 tooling.


Dr Ian McNicoll
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
office +44 (0)1536 414994
skype: ianmcnicoll
email: ian at freshehr.com
twitter: @ianmcnicoll

Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics
Director, openEHR Foundation
Director, HANDIHealth CIC
Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL

On 13 March 2015 at 15:06, Bakke, Silje Ljosland <
silje.ljosland.bakke at helse-bergen.no> wrote:

> Hi,
> At the Norwegian CKM http://arketyper.no, we?ve been doing quite
> extensive translation of international (English language) archetypes into
> Norwegian. During this process, we?re finding more and more translation
> isn?t a one-person job, but usually there?s a primary translator and one or
> more secondary translators. As of now there seems to be only one field in
> which to put translator information, so to attribute more than one person
> as the archetype translator, we need to put more than one name,
> organisation, etc into the same fields. This sort of works, but it?s not
> exactly elegant. Is there a better way to do this, either right now or in
> the works?
> Kind regards,
> *Silje Ljosland Bakke*
> Special Adviser, RN
> R&D dept, E-health section, Bergen Hospital Trust
> Coordinator, National Editorial Board for Archetypes, National ICT Norway
> Tel. +47 40203298
> Web: http://arketyper.no / Twitter: @arketyper_no
> <https://twitter.com/arketyper_no>
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