Ian, is your proposal actually valid in 1.4?
My understanding is that other_details is a Hash<String, String>.

secondary_translators is the key, but "Ian..." and "Sebastian..." are 
two values - which is not possible (and probably not really desirable 
fpr general other_details either)

A further minor point, I would prefer other_translators over 
secondary_translators for consistency with other_contributors.


On 17.03.2015 11:25, Thomas Beale wrote:
> On 17/03/2015 10:17, Bakke, Silje Ljosland wrote:
>> For now, the other_details attribute within TRANSLATION_DETAILS 
>> should do the trick. The main issue is to keep the different 
>> translators separated, which this seems to do:
>> other_details =<
>> ["secondary_translators"] = <"Ian McNicoll, freshEHR, UK", "Sebastian 
>> Garde, Ocean Informatics, DE">
>> >
>> The main issue is probably getting support for this in the tooling 
>> (ie Archetype Editor and the CKM)?
> If I add the equivalent of this to ADL/AOM 2, will it be enough for 
> the future?
> - thomas
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*Dr. Sebastian Garde*
/Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI/
Ocean Informatics

Skype: gardeseb

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