The versioning rules have been following. This is a use case that is testing 
them, testing our strategy. Excellent.

What does specialisation add to this? We still have a changed MD5, new 
archetype ID, etc... Aargh.

If we specialise, what happens when the next change comes along? Specialise the 
specialisation? Rinse, wash, repeat?

I don't think this solves the broader issue that we need to accept and 
acknowledge - that archetypes WILL change as medicine changes, as our 
understanding changes and when we get things wrong! As a community of 
clinicians and implementers, we do need to develop strategies to minimise the 
flow on effects to implementers but ensure that we are heading towards high 
quality, correct archetypes. It is a tension that we need to balance.

There is no doubt that publication of a v2 would have had maximal impact on all 
implementers. We have successfully avoided that.

This v1 revision does have an impact, but I believe that we have corrected the 
issue while creating minimal change in the archetype. Note that most (maybe 
nearly all) implementers don't use Tilt; so most won't need to do anything to 
their local systems. Paths won't change for querying etc. The query for 
specific units may need to be managed, but it is manageable and negotiable.

It will impact those who want to share Tilt data from different revisions of 
the archetype. But that was always going to be the case when anyone uses 
slightly different revisions of an archetype. The revision needs to be part of 
the info transfer and then the differences will need to be negotiated somehow.

Remember that the archetype revision number and build UID are now in the latest 
archetype metadata downloadable from CKM to facilitate implementers having a 
finer level of control over the versioning.

This may be the first time we discuss how to manage this kind of change in the 
list, but it won't be the last and there will almost certainly be more with a 
lot more impact.

I know it will irritate some when I say that archetyping the actual clinical 
content that clinicians need and use in practice is often more art than 
science, but let me reassure you that we are 'science-ing the hell' out of the 
clinical knowledge governance process as much as we can. It is really complex, 
and the more we understand it, the more we realise how complex this area is.

This is our job. Implementers need strategies to align the mismatches that will 
occur. Publication per se is a very coarse way to manage interoperability and 
will not solve our problems. The alignment needs to be done at a finer level of 
control. This is not a new problem. It is one we are just realising as we 
implement and start to share - we were always going to have to have this 
conversation and solve this problem. It was just a matter of when.



From: openEHR-clinical [] On 
Behalf Of Thomas Beale
Sent: Monday, 19 October 2015 8:46 PM
To: For openEHR technical discussions <>
Subject: Re: Archetype publication question - implications for implementers

Hence my earlier proposal...
On 19/10/2015 09:18, David Moner wrote:

2015-10-16 3:22 GMT+02:00 Heather Leslie 

*         It means that new implementers can use the corrected v1 revision and 
we don't have to create a v2 for a relatively trivial problem; existing vendor 
implementations can remain unchanged or they can choose to update the units if 
they please. The MD5 changes, but all paths etc are identical. A minimal 
disruption approach, if you like - thanks Heath.

And what happens if a new implementation sends data to an old implementation? 
Since the archetype identifier has not changed the receiver will use its own 
archetype to validate the received data, and if it includes the 'deg' unit it 
will just fail the validation. Breaking revisions are not only about changing 
the archetype structure, but also about generating a different set of possible 

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