Dear ckm lovers,

My preference is for your option 3. We have to make updates. Nobody is
forced to change anything.

Best regards

Den 2 okt 2015 06:11 skrev "Heather Leslie" <>:

> Hi everyone,
> I’m seeking community input around a conundrum that has arisen regarding
> archetype governance or, more specifically, if we should offer a new
> version of an archetype that included breaking changes/corrections
> according to the openEHR specifications but which are not critical in terms
> of clinical safety – a bit of a grey zone, if you like. If clinical safety
> were implicated, the decision would be easy.
> The Blood Pressure archetype was published in 2009 and I believe is in
> fairly wide use in systems at this point. Currently published version here
> <>, and which has had
> only ‘trivial’, non-breaking changes, including addition of translations,
> etc since publication.
> Recently the Norwegian community translated the archetype and then
> undertook a local review of the archetype. They have suggested some
> modifications to the archetype which include updating some of the data
> elements around identifying the body location of the BP measurement to be
> in keeping with more recent archetype patterns that we have been using,
> plus identified that the representation of degrees of Tilt was not using
> the UCUM units, plus a few minor additions.
> The result is that their new candidate archetype (here
> <>) which includes
> these changes is regarded as a Major revision under our current CKM
> versioning rules and if republished warrants becoming a version 2. That is
> all perfectly OK from an academic governance point of view.
> There is no doubt that the archetype is a more accurate and enhanced
> iteration but the practical implications of republishing as a v2 are not
> trivial to implementers.
> So I seek your advice on whether we should proceed with further content
> review with the intent of re-publishing as a new v2 archetype:
> ·         *Pros*
> o   Archetype data is updated to include correct UCUM units
> o   Archetype data is updated to include more ‘modern’ modelling patterns
> that are being used increasingly in more recent archetypes
> o   New implementers will be able to use the most up-to-date version of
> the archetype, rather than using an archetype that has been identified as
> having flaws. Otherwise new implementers will continue to implement a
> known, flawed archetype into their new systems
> o   Further content review will expose the archetype to a broader range
> of clinicians and their input will potentially further enhance, or at least
> endorse the current, quality.
> ·         *Cons*
> o   Further content review will possibly introduce further changes –
> maybe breaking, maybe not.
> o   Existing implementers will need to decide whether it is worthwhile to
> update to v2. The alternative is to stay with the v1 published archetype as
> is and consider updating at some future time.
> o   The update of the UCUM unit and body location pattern does not have
> major safety implications or significantly impact the modelling quality,
> yet will have internal implications in existing clinical systems.
> o   Two versions of the archetype will be in circulation, and
> implementers will need to manage the interoperability issues that will
> arise.
> o   Norway will likely use the new archetype as their national standard,
> diverging from the openEHR CKM content, which is not desired by either
> party.
> A portion of the diff is attached, which demonstrates the major breaking
> changes. There are many other changes that only refer to translations and
> are non-breaking in the rest of the diff
> Major changes are:
> ·         Changing ‘Tilt’ units – ‘°’ to ‘deg’ – at1005 – this is the
> critical and breaking correction that has triggered considering these
> additional changes:
> o   Making Measurement Location a choice of coded text and text – at0014
> o   Removal the redundant ‘Location’ cluster heading
> This is the first time we have had to update a published archetype and it
> certainly won’t be the last. If there were breaking changes that needed to
> be made for clinical safety reasons or similar critical reasons I would
> have no hesitation in proceeding to v2. If there were non-breaking changes
> we would manage the progression with additional minor revisions or patches
> – not a problem. This one has breaking changes but no clinical safety
> issues, so a bit of a grey zone because of the possible implementation
> implications.
> I have no doubt that many implementers are already grappling with these
> issues if they have implemented draft archetypes, so perhaps you all have
> established systems and approaches for this.
> I have had some advice suggesting we should leave the archetype as is,
> rather than ‘rock the implementation boat’ for little semantic value, yet
> I’m not sure that it is our role to be paternalistic. My own inclinations
> are that we should govern the archetypes from a pure point of view,
> updating and creating new versions if we have to, and allowing CKM to
> provide the transparency that will support implementers to make informed
> choices.
> So:
> *Option 1*: Do nothing. The current flawed archetype will be the only one
> available on the openEHR CKM
> *Option 2*: Promote the new candidate archetype to the public trunk as a
> potential new iteration – so available for viewing and download, but with
> no official status, effectively in limbo until a further review round is
> carried out and it is republished.
> *Option 3*: Promote the new candidate archetype to the public trunk, run
> formal content reviews on it and plan to re-publish as v2
> Please, your thoughts?
> Regards
> Heather
> *Dr Heather Leslie *MBBS FRACGP FACHI
> *Consulting  Lead*, Ocean Informatics <>
> *Clinical Programme Lead, *openEHR Foundation <>
> p: +61 418 966 670   skype: heatherleslie   twitter: @omowizard
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