On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 11:43:33AM +0100, GF wrote:

> Any item in an archetype potentially has:
> - an ad-hoc, locally defined, display name
> - an official canonical name in a specific language domain
> - and, in order to disambiguate it, an unique code in
> - a specific terminology/classification domain

Hence the notion that the "name" in*side* the terminology
domain could be discussed to be ignored in the context of
Bert's question such that it becomes

        user-level name
                code from domain A
                code from domain B

in which

        name from domain A/B/...

doesn't occur which means

        user-level name

IS TO BE mapped at any rate, typically in a way where
user-level name in clinical artifacts isn't directly
associated with particular codes but rather a mapping
"relation" (of whatever kind) is used.

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