Hi JV,

Yes I am a doctor (GP) but no longer doing clinical work. I was not 
saying that a relational DB would not work, just that without O-R 
mapping tools or Row modelling/shredding techniques, it is very 
difficult to support the extensibility/adaptability required by clinical 
systems, to cope with both inter-specialty differences and a rapidly 
changing domain. Archetypes provide an excellent way to model and work 
with these requirements in code.

As a design framework OpenEHR seems to me to be on exactly the right 
lines. What remains unclear is the most efficient way of expressing 
OpenEHR concepts at persistence level. In a sense this has nothing to do 
with OpenEHR but it is obviously one of the trickier parts of any 

The Object-Relational Impedance issue is by no means unique to 
healthcare, and one can many attempts across the industry to allow 
persistence layers to easily mirror the huge advantages brought by OOP 
modelling and  programming. My impression is that there is as yet no 
clear winning formula which completely reconciles the efficiency (speed 
and space) of traditional RDBMS design with the extensibility of object 
orientated methods.

I am a big fan of OpenEHR but in answering Bert's original query, issues 
of the best way to manage persistence have yet to be resolved. In that 
sense OpenEHR is not as complete as he may have understood it.


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