
Good points from both of you, I just want to add a thought.

When designing or locally adapting GUIs I think it can be valuable to
have the option to use radio-buttons (or widgets with similar
visibility and semantics) also for DV_CODED_TEXT items if you know
that the number of options are small and will suitably fit on screen.
That will increase the up-front visibility of options and save time
during data entry compared to opening and selecting from a combobox
(or some other widget with similar interaction semantics).

So having a GUI-directive/hint for suggesting radio-button interaction
style for some DV_CODED_TEXT fields might actually be a good and
useful thing.

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/? Tel: +46-13-286733

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 04:27, Diego Bosc? <yampeku at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is much different to change the field from 'test
> result:positive/negative' to 'test result positive:true/false'?
> If the semantics if not the same then the 'positive/negative' has more
> meaning that a simple boolean and I think they should be coded
> 2011/2/2 Koray Atalag <k.atalag at auckland.ac.nz>:
>> Hi All, I?d like to get feedback on this issue before we move on with
>> implementing.
>> In short whether we should use DV_BOOLEAN to represent the result of a Lab
>> test as Positive/Negative. This particular test can have only two values
>> (well plus the null case of course). I suspect this wasn?t the purpose of
>> this data type in the first place and was for really no-brainer yes/no items
>> as you would expect in any computer program. But, as ever, clinical medicine
>> is wicked and makes me think out of the ?usual? good practice and explore
>> whether this might be an option?Perhaps this discussion will provide
>> guidance for others in the community as well.
>> Secondly (assuming that we can use DV_BOOLEAN for such cases) in GUI not all
>> occurrences of Boolean will have labels as Yes/No?It can also be True/False,
>> Present/Absent, Positive/Negative etc. Moreover in difference language
>> translations they will surely be different. But in ADL no at code is given
>> for this data type; Yes and No is written implicitly within the definition
>> section. This means that we cannot set the Text in ontology section and then
>> have language translations. Has anyone come across such a requirement? If so
>> what?s your solution.
>> Note that I currently model all such data items with DV_CODED_TEXT and had
>> no problems. But when I wanted to render radio buttons for Yes/No type items
>> instead of default combobox widget I either need a GUI directive (which we
>> try to avoid if possible) or set the data type to DV_BOOLEAN so that the
>> default widget would be radio button and we can use accordingly.
>> Cheers,
>> -koray
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