Once, a professor told me: in healthcare there is no boolean data, you need at 
least three values, because there must be a registry of the data that is not 
recorded (like a null value), the item is there (the ocurrence of the node is 
1), but the value is null. The data that is not recorded could have 
medico/legal value/semantics.

Of course, you may need something to know why the data was not recorded, like a 
"null flavour", something like: I did't ask, the patient don't want to tell me, 
the patient don't have the information, the patient can't ask, etc.

Personally I don't see much use of the DvBoolean alone.

Kind regards,
A/C Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

From: sam.he...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-technical at openehr.org
Subject: RE: Representing binary values with DV_BOOLEAN
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 11:54:49 +0930

Hi The issue needs to be discussed first in the modelling of the archetype. If 
a Boolean is accepted at this level then that is what it is (for the moment) 
and how that is displayed on the screen then becomes an issue. I agree that 
positive/negative != True/False. ?Test Positive? could have a true/false as in 
Test result abnormal in HL7 lab tests. Fabiane?s idea that a Boolean defaults 
to false seems to be an implementation issue ? it is possible to have a 
tri-state Y/N/Null widget to cope with the null. This is a worthwhile 
discussion.  Cheers, Sam    From: openehr-technical-bounces at openehr.org 
[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at openehr.org] On Behalf Of Koray Atalag
Sent: Wednesday, 2 February 2011 12:40 PM
To: For openEHR technical discussions
Subject: Representing binary values with DV_BOOLEAN Hi All, I?d like to get 
feedback on this issue before we move on with implementing. In short whether we 
should use DV_BOOLEAN to represent the result of a Lab test as 
Positive/Negative. This particular test can have only two values (well plus the 
null case of course). I suspect this wasn?t the purpose of this data type in 
the first place and was for really no-brainer yes/no items as you would expect 
in any computer program. But, as ever, clinical medicine is wicked and makes me 
think out of the ?usual? good practice and explore whether this might be an 
option?Perhaps this discussion will provide guidance for others in the 
community as well.  Secondly (assuming that we can use DV_BOOLEAN for such 
cases) in GUI not all occurrences of Boolean will have labels as Yes/No?It can 
also be True/False, Present/Absent, Positive/Negative etc. Moreover in 
difference language translations they will surely be different. But in ADL no 
at code is given for this data type; Yes and No is written implicitly within 
the definition section. This means that we cannot set the Text in ontology 
section and then have language translations. Has anyone come across such a 
requirement? If so what?s your solution. Note that I currently model all such 
data items with DV_CODED_TEXT and had no problems. But when I wanted to render 
radio buttons for Yes/No type items instead of default combobox widget I either 
need a GUI directive (which we try to avoid if possible) or set the data type 
to DV_BOOLEAN so that the default widget would be radio button and we can use 
accordingly.   Cheers, -koray 
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