There are already epSOS EN13606 archetypes

2011/9/9 Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at>:
> On 09/09/2011 14:01, Stef Verlinden wrote:
> Great initiative. Let's go for it. Even though I agree with your previous
> remarks that this probably won't provide a long term solution, IMHO it's
> absolutely necessary in order to secure short term progress.
> Maybe a dumb question, but is there a way we can involve people form other
> standard initiatives (DCM, HL7) in order to speed up harmonisation. More
> specific: is there a mutual interest for all of us to invest in this.
> My experience is: the instant we 'involve every stakeholder' and set up some
> large forum / club / organisation, everything becomes paralysed and
> political, and tasks that should take 3 months take 3 years. So we need to
> be careful...
> Specifically:
> myself and some others on this list are directly involved in an
> international DCM effort, led by Dr Stan Huff (Intermountain Health), and
> this should yield results before the end of the year
> HL7 - here it depends on what we are talking about:
> HL7v2 messages - there are specific approaches emerging to map v2 messages
> to openEHR, and I would see this as a seperate initiative (although
> hopefully taking advantage of the same tooling)
> CDAr2 - this has its own UML model (recently) and we may be able to define
> some mapping rules / approaches. However, since the differences with openEHR
> / 13606 are far greater than between the latter two, it is a bigger effort
> epSOS - this is a simple CCD that can easily be mapped to archetypes, and
> maybe representing it as an RM might be useful.
> My feeling is to get the 13606 / openEHR question sorted out first, because
> that is by far the easiest. If we stay focussed, unofficial (for now), and
> make progress on that then we can tackle bigger beasts...
> - thomas
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