David, Diego,

I just tried to compile the archetype 
the ADL Workbench... I had to make a few changes:

    'scopingOrganisation' in the standard, but the archetype had
    'scoping_organisation' (the standard bizarrely mixes camelCase and
  * HEALTHCARE_PROFESSIONAL_ROLE has an attribute 'specialty' in the
    standard, but it was called 'speciality' in the archetype
    (admittedly an easy confusion in English)

At the moment, the version of the 13606 and 21090 schemas available 
inthe openEHR SVN has the strange mix of attribute name styles in the 
published standard. The archetypes have used a consistent naming 
approach - the more_readable_form, from my point of view. What is the 
consensus on this aspect of the standard? Do we follow it slavishly or 
use a modified variant, as you have presumably done for your epSOS work?

It may be that my copy of 13606 is out of date, and was superseded by 
some later update - I have a version from 2006-06-13. Were there later 

- thomas

On 09/09/2011 19:04, David Moner wrote:
> Thomas,
> Could you please clarify this sentence?
> I'm the main author of that document. As you said, it is a 45 pages 
> document of which only two and a half are a summary description of ADL 
> to understand the proposed archetypes. And only there we can see some 
> examples of ADL structures (yes, openEHR ones) taken directly from 
> EN13606-2, which is the norm referenced at the document, and not from 
> the openEHR specifications.
> I really think that your affirmation is misleading and unfair.

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