What part do you said is copied? ._.
Here the archetypes in ADL

2011/9/9 Thomas Beale <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>:
> Diego,
> Are the archetypes online anywhere?
> As an aside, it is an interesting document - 45 pages about archetypes,
> including a lot of directly copied openEHR material, and no attribution
> at all to openEHR! Lucky it is not an academic paper....
> - thomas
> On 09/09/2011 15:28, Diego Bosc? wrote:
>> There are already epSOS EN13606 archetypes
>> http://www.epsos.eu/uploads/tx_epsosfileshare/D3.5.2_Appendix_G_EN13606_Implementation.pdf
>> 2011/9/9 Thomas Beale<thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com>:
>>> On 09/09/2011 14:01, Stef Verlinden wrote:
>>> Great initiative. Let's go for it. Even though I agree with your previous
>>> remarks that this probably won't provide a long term solution, IMHO it's
>>> absolutely necessary in order to secure short term progress.
>>> Maybe a dumb question, but is there a way we can involve people form other
>>> standard initiatives (DCM, HL7) in order to speed up harmonisation. More
>>> specific: is there a mutual interest for all of us to invest in this.
>>> My experience is: the instant we 'involve every stakeholder' and set up some
>>> large forum / club / organisation, everything becomes paralysed and
>>> political, and tasks that should take 3 months take 3 years. So we need to
>>> be careful...
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