Hi Heath

yes, this the problem.

I don't know if your solution works. I've considered putting a service
up in the cloud that
provides a service to take represented units and convert them to ucum
units. But it's a
many to many mapping unless the conversion is actually done in the context of a
specific LOINC code, in which case there's a huge amount of
duplication of mapping work.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Heath Frankel
<heath.frankel at oceaninformatics.com> wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I had an issue recently were I was receiving HL7 V2 Lab messages with units
> such as x10^6/L, the equivalent in UCUM is 10*6/l, which was used in the
> archetype constraint for an RBC element. I translated the HL7 unit into the
> archetype constrained unit as required to be valid.
> However, when we displayed this in our application that was going through a
> conformance process for this particular Lab?s interface to allowed to
> retrieve messages within the enterprise, the Lab said that we *must* display
> the unit as x10^6/L as provided in the HL7 message. Therefore we had to
> translate it back again in our app? sigh.
> This scenario demonstrates this exact conversation.
> Personally I don?t like the idea of another attribute for displayable
> units.? I am thinking that we need to have a means to lookup a particular
> set of ?displayable? units and get the computable unit for when we need to
> do any conversion, which I have yet to come across any need to do so in
> current implementations (not that this will not be required at some point
> but it will certainly be in very limited set of cases).
> I am thinking the units attribute should be our ?displayable?, and tat in
> cases where we need to convert to other units we provide a similar concept
> to mappings in DV_TEXT. Perhaps this should be the reverse, but because the
> displayable unit is the 99.99% use case I think we should make this the
> easiest representation with minimal change to RM.
> In archetypes, if the units attribute is allowed to any value, we can then
> specify a conversion mapping for each unit, which may allow multiple
> ?displayable? units to be defined and mapped to the same UCUM unit.? So this
> conversion mapping is represented as knowledge in the archetype, but we also
> start getting some consistent representation of ?displayable? units without
> the weirdness of UCUM syntax.
> Hope this triggers further thoughts.
> Heath
> From: openehr-technical-bounces at lists.openehr.org
> [mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at lists.openehr.org] On Behalf Of Thomas
> Beale
> Sent: Sunday, 18 March 2012 10:49 PM
> To: Openehr-Technical
> Subject: Units, Quantities, etc
> As Grahame mentioned on an earlier post, the question of units is thorny.
> Although we technical people would like to mandate UCUM or some other
> well-designed computable syntax, on its own, it won't work. There seem to be
> two reasons for this:
> it doesn't take care of the need for a displayable form of units, e.g. the
> computable form 'mcg' or 'ug', where as the displayable is '?g' (Greek mu
> followed by 'g')
> it doesn't take care of 'units' like puffs, tablets, patches, vials, strips,
> and other discrete delivery units
> it doesn't take care of discrete delivery units per time, e.g. '2 puffs /
> hour'
> Grahame and others have already done a lot of thinking on this here - there
> are a lot of excellent examples from Linda Bird on the Singapore programme.
> The more I think about the last two above, the more I think it is not about
> quantities per se but about an administration directive (how the patient
> should take something). Trying to make Quantity do that kind of stuff
> doesn't make sense to me - there is obviously a Quantity to indicate the
> dose in scientific form, but another data element may be needed to indicate
> how (in what discrete measures) to take the medication.
> I would therefore expect a distinct data element in the Medication Cluster
> archetype rather than a re-engineered Quantity type to deal with these last
> two. For the first one - displayable v computable, we will need a CR to
> change DV_QUANTITY, and make it work like the FHIR Quantity - i.e. have a
> second units field.
> Some of my earlier thoughts are actually on the above wiki page - the
> concept of a DiscretisedQuantity type inheriting from Quantity, which I
> think is also a reasonable alternative.
> what do others think?
> - thomas
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