Hi Grahame,

Wed 2012-03-21 klockan 10:26 +0100 skrev Grahame Grieve:

> Hi Daniel
> No one is talking about abandoning what we have. The only question is about 
> the way that the casual measurements of countable discrete things where the 
> ucum unit is "1" are handled. I think that we're agreed that openEHR and, for 
> that matter, HL7 v2 and v3 haven't go this right yet. In the openEHR context, 
> the question is, how should this be done?

Why not just treat numbers (or counts) as any other quantity? There
might be a case for providing a field for specifying the kind of
quantity in the DV_QUANTITY class, but as in the example below, this is
often includes more complex terminology-information model constructs
than a single field.

> > tablets 500 mg paracetamol" is not just a point of reference for
> > representing the number quantity but part if of the quantity being
> > observed (or stated). 
> I don't think this is true. Mostly, we look for codes for what is measured, 
> and the codes don't include that part. So if you, as v3/CDA do, say that that 
> is part of the thing that is measured, you are asking people to do an 
> impossible feat of post-coordination.

Well, I still think it's true! What's in a code and what's not is a
matter of the terminology binding assumptions made in the specific
situation. This kind of "post-coordination" (depending on what is meant
by this term) is happening constantly with e.g. laboratory medicine
where the kind of property observed is stated using a code from a
terminology like LOINC or, even better, NPU ;). This code does however
in most cases not specify the procedure to a sufficient degree so this
information is added in the message thereby adding to the meaning of the
code. The same is done for sample material and sample location. I would
prefer this solution to overloading the unit with things that break the
assumptions of metrology.


> Grahame
> On 19/03/2012, at 9:26 PM, Daniel Karlsson <daniel.karlsson at liu.se> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > On s?n, 2012-03-18 at 13:57 +0100, Grahame Grieve wrote:
> >> Are discrete units only encountered in administrative directives? Do
> >> you prohibit people from making observations or measurements that
> >> include discrete units such as puffs, tablets, patches, vials, strips etc?
> > 
> > There are examples of counting observables in both the laboratory and
> > clinical domains like "number of erythrocytes in urine", "number of
> > complement C3b receptors on thrombocytes", "number of petechiae of skin
> > per cm^2".
> > 
> > If for example assuming the SI system base quantities, the kind of
> > quantity is "number" with "N" as symbol and "1" or "one" as the unit.
> > 
> > Comparing to another commonly known kind of quantity, length, and the
> > unit "meter", "1.83 m" means 1.83 times the length of the Paris meter.
> > Further, my body height quantity inheres in my body and the unit "meter"
> > may be used to represent the length on a ratio scale, i.e. my body
> > height = 1.83 m or 1.83 times the Paris meter. However, this quantity
> > may be represented using other units such as the International foot.
> > 
> > Going back to tablets, in "2 tablets 500 mg paracetamol" the part
> > "tablets 500 mg paracetamol" is not just a point of reference for
> > representing the number quantity but part if of the quantity being
> > observed (or stated). This part cannot be exchanged and thus cannot be a
> > unit.
> > 
> > The DV_QUANTITY class has no attribute for specifying the kind of
> > quantity of which the magnitude field is a result of observation (or
> > decision). Previously, this has been managed within archetypes, e.g. the
> > systolic blood pressure quantity is referred to by binding the at0004
> > code to the term "Systolic" and through this node's context within the
> > archetype. In instances, there is no reference to any kind of quantity
> > apart from units, which do not fully describe the kind of quantity, and
> > any reference to the archetype on which the instance is based.
> > 
> > Thus, my 2-cent suggestion is to stay on the path, keep DV_QUANTITY
> > clean, and manage any issues around representation of doses in
> > archetypes.
> > 
> > Finally, there is the whole science of metrology backing this up. Please
> > refrain from giving this solid ground up.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Daniel
> > 
> >> 
> >> why?
> >> 
> >> HL7 does because we claim that you have to have UCUM codes
> >> so the data can be computable. If people simply want to exchange
> >> it in a structured but non-computable fashion... they can go to hell.
> >> And as for computable: we insist on a ucum code, and then say
> >> that for these discrete unit kind of things, well, you just put "1" for
> >> countable units, and then put the effective unit somewhere else -
> >> somewhere that no one can actually pull off in practice - because
> >> this is more "computable". Huh? We do not make sense on this.
> >> 
> >> So much for HL7... what's openEHR's excuse?
> >> 
> >> Grahame
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:18 PM, Thomas Beale
> >> <thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> As Grahame mentioned on an earlier post, the question of units is thorny.
> >>> Although we technical people would like to mandate UCUM or some other
> >>> well-designed computable syntax, on its own, it won't work. There seem to 
> >>> be
> >>> two reasons for this:
> >>> 
> >>> it doesn't take care of the need for a displayable form of units, e.g. the
> >>> computable form 'mcg' or 'ug', where as the displayable is '?g' (Greek mu
> >>> followed by 'g')
> >>> it doesn't take care of 'units' like puffs, tablets, patches, vials, 
> >>> strips,
> >>> and other discrete delivery units
> >>> it doesn't take care of discrete delivery units per time, e.g. '2 puffs /
> >>> hour'
> >>> 
> >>> Grahame and others have already done a lot of thinking on this here - 
> >>> there
> >>> are a lot of excellent examples from Linda Bird on the Singapore 
> >>> programme.
> >>> 
> >>> The more I think about the last two above, the more I think it is not 
> >>> about
> >>> quantities per se but about an administration directive (how the patient
> >>> should take something). Trying to make Quantity do that kind of stuff
> >>> doesn't make sense to me - there is obviously a Quantity to indicate the
> >>> dose in scientific form, but another data element may be needed to 
> >>> indicate
> >>> how (in what discrete measures) to take the medication.
> >>> 
> >>> I would therefore expect a distinct data element in the Medication Cluster
> >>> archetype rather than a re-engineered Quantity type to deal with these 
> >>> last
> >>> two. For the first one - displayable v computable, we will need a CR to
> >>> change DV_QUANTITY, and make it work like the FHIR Quantity - i.e. have a
> >>> second units field.
> >>> 
> >>> Some of my earlier thoughts are actually on the above wiki page - the
> >>> concept of a DiscretisedQuantity type inheriting from Quantity, which I
> >>> think is also a reasonable alternative.
> >>> 
> >>> what do others think?
> >>> 
> >>> - thomas
> >>> 
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> >>> openEHR-technical at lists.openehr.org
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> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> > 
> > 
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