for me, conversion between different units that are comparable. You
should ask Tom what else he thinks it yields up. I'd be interested.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:06 AM,  <Michael.Lawley at> wrote:
> Graham,
> I'm trying to make sense of this discussion around "computability" -- what
> are the kinds of things that one wants to "compute" with these kinds of
> countable things?
> michael
> On 18/03/12 10:57 PM, "Grahame Grieve"
> <grahame at> wrote:
>>Are discrete units only encountered in administrative directives? Do
>>you prohibit people from making observations or measurements that
>>include discrete units such as puffs, tablets, patches, vials, strips etc?
>>HL7 does because we claim that you have to have UCUM codes
>>so the data can be computable. If people simply want to exchange
>>it in a structured but non-computable fashion... they can go to hell.
>>And as for computable: we insist on a ucum code, and then say
>>that for these discrete unit kind of things, well, you just put "1" for
>>countable units, and then put the effective unit somewhere else -
>>somewhere that no one can actually pull off in practice - because
>>this is more "computable". Huh? We do not make sense on this.
>>So much for HL7... what's openEHR's excuse?
>>On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:18 PM, Thomas Beale
>><thomas.beale at> wrote:
>>> As Grahame mentioned on an earlier post, the question of units is
>>> Although we technical people would like to mandate UCUM or some other
>>> well-designed computable syntax, on its own, it won't work. There seem
>>>to be
>>> two reasons for this:
>>> it doesn't take care of the need for a displayable form of units, e.g.
>>> computable form 'mcg' or 'ug', where as the displayable is '?g' (Greek
>>> followed by 'g')
>>> it doesn't take care of 'units' like puffs, tablets, patches, vials,
>>> and other discrete delivery units
>>> it doesn't take care of discrete delivery units per time, e.g. '2 puffs
>>> hour'
>>> Grahame and others have already done a lot of thinking on this here -
>>> are a lot of excellent examples from Linda Bird on the Singapore
>>> The more I think about the last two above, the more I think it is not
>>> quantities per se but about an administration directive (how the patient
>>> should take something). Trying to make Quantity do that kind of stuff
>>> doesn't make sense to me - there is obviously a Quantity to indicate the
>>> dose in scientific form, but another data element may be needed to
>>> how (in what discrete measures) to take the medication.
>>> I would therefore expect a distinct data element in the Medication
>>> archetype rather than a re-engineered Quantity type to deal with these
>>> two. For the first one - displayable v computable, we will need a CR to
>>> change DV_QUANTITY, and make it work like the FHIR Quantity - i.e. have
>>> second units field.
>>> Some of my earlier thoughts are actually on the above wiki page - the
>>> concept of a DiscretisedQuantity type inheriting from Quantity, which I
>>> think is also a reasonable alternative.
>>> what do others think?
>>> - thomas
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