Imagine combining all of this with GDL 
( and a specialised
version of a similar DSL to describe archetype / template aware GUIs.

From: openEHR-technical [] On 
Behalf Of Thomas Beale
Sent: 01 March 2017 09:15
Subject: Re: inheritance of archetypes

On 01/03/2017 09:03, Bert Verhees wrote:
Dear all of the technical mailing list,

I made a new message tothis list (specialized ;-), so it will be discussed 
I do that because in the other message, I describe a real problem which needs a 
solution, and this message is about thinking about a solution in the 
archetype-framework, which will takes for years to come (if it will come, maybe 
I am wrong in my proposal).
When talking about specializing. Specializing an archetype is nothing more then 
copying an archetype and add/change some constraints in them.

Only in older ADL 1.4 tools. In ADL2, specialisation is fully 
 and implemented in the ADL Workbench, and more recently in the ADL-designer 
project<>. it works just like an OO 
programming language. There are dozens of examples in the test 
 and also in the CKM archetypes, which when they are read into ADL Workbench, 
are re-engineered into differential form.

This has been the case for over 5 years, with the implementation in ADL 
Workbench being available for around 4. (You can see the revision 
 of the AOM2 spec).

Using this technology is just a case of moving to ADL/AOM2.

- thomas

How different is that in programming languages, where the parent-classes are 
read to understand the child class. There is no need to process all the 
sourcecode of the child-classes to adapt the changes in a parent class.
This is regarded as a big advantage for Object Oriented Programming. Easier to 
maintain code (and one definitely need a test framework).

Imagine that dreaded generic labtest archetype in the other message, I wrote 
How convenient would maintainability become if specializations where really and 
life-inherited from parent archetypes?

Would we need a big part of the LOINC-database of specialized labtest 
archetypes then, or would we just need to change the identifier and add the 
appropriate terminology binding?

Maybe we could, in case of lab-test, just created the child archetypes only in 
memory and on the fly, needing only a few keywords to describe the changes. We 
could take a look at hibernate for Java (or many other ORM-frameworks).
They do not deliver the classes needed for handling specific databases, they 
offer a framework to create/generate those classes.

One could argue that specializations are not always inherited like classes in 
programming languages. That is true. What I suggest here maybe limited to the 
cases where it is real inheritance.

Best regards
Bert Verhees

openEHR-technical mailing list

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