On 01/03/2017 10:00, Bert Verhees wrote:
Op 1-3-2017 om 10:44 schreef Thomas Beale:
Good news Thomas, but don't bring it with disdain.

I don't know what the words means ;)

I got it from google translate, in French it is dedain.

c'était une blague...

that appears to be a PR about GDL?

I meant a current list of Open Issues, I don't know why the 168 is on top, it seems to have the highest priority, I don't understand why.
That is not my discussion point.

ah - probably you wanted to show these issues <https://openehr.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=-4&jql=status%20in%20%28Open%2C%20%22In%20Progress%22%2C%20Analysis%2C%20%22In%20Review%22%29%20AND%20component%20in%20%28ADL2%2C%20AOM2%29%20order%20by%20created%20DESC>. There are issues (always), but not with the specialisation representation.

So it's not perfect, but it's far from non-existent. I'd say your best bet is to use the new version of ADL-designer.
As said, institutions will want a stable release. I will never advise an organization to move to ADL2 as long as it is not stable.

well, it has a stable release here <http://www.openehr.org/releases/AM/Release-2.0.6/docs/index>. As noted above, there are issues, but there are issues outstanding on everything - they get worked on and the results get added to later releases. I'm not sure of what the alternative to that is.

Also one of the selling points of OpenEHR is CKM, it is fully ADL 1.4. There must be many archetype, and many data-storages based on ADL 1.4

well CKM is a problem in one sense, but people could work with ADL2 tools and save the results as ADL 1.4, which you can do in the ADL-designer, for upload to CKM. That's not ideal, I agree - it would be better if CKM upgraded to ADL2.

Data storage is generally based on OPT 1.4, and I think that is also a save format of the ADL-designer.

And there is another point, companies don't tend to change when they do not feel the pain. I had my first IP6 course in 1998, I worked for DEC (Digital) at that time, and still the computer I work on is configured using IP4, so is my Internet-router.

well you are pointing out some pain, and I am pointing out the solution. If you are not in enough pain, you may not want the solution ;)

- thomas

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