On 01/03/2017 09:35, Bert Verhees wrote:
Good news Thomas, but don't bring it with disdain.

I don't know what the words means ;)

Op 1-3-2017 om 10:15 schreef Thomas Beale:
which when they are read into ADL Workbench, are re-engineered into differential form

I think the ADL Workbench is a cryptic piece of software which could use some GUI-specialists to redesign it, so it will become understandable for non-software-specialists.

well, the point is that the ADL Workbench fully implements the differential specialisation semantics you are talking about. Whether it has a cryptic UI is apparently a subjective matter ;)

Using this technology is just a case of moving to ADL/AOM2.

I wouldn't call it "just a case", ADL2 is not yet fully defined.
See the open cases in the specifications (128):

that appears to be a PR about GDL?

The tooling is not yet ready, and even when there will be a frozen standard, it will take years for institutions to migrate. They want a stable version, before shifting their core-information to a new information-structure. It is good news, but don't bring it as it is like a breathe, then you disregard the hard work of people working on the technical information side of institutions.

Well the tooling that is there now is:

 * ADL Workbench, which will transform any set of ADL 1.4 archetypes to
   ADL2 differential form, and generate error messages for
   specialisations that can't be computed
 * ADL-designer, a modern web-based Archetype Editor and Template
   Designer based on ADL2, for which a new release is imminent (I think
   next month), which also reads ADL 1.4 archetypes.
 * various Java implementations of the ADL 2 spec

So it's not perfect, but it's far from non-existent. I'd say your best bet is to use the new version of ADL-designer.

- thomas

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