On 12-11-18 17:59, Thomas Beale wrote:

On 12/11/2018 16:04, Bert Verhees wrote:
On 12-11-18 16:13, Thomas Beale wrote:
you can, it's called a Template Data Schema (TDS), and is generated from the Template Designer and I think the new Marand ADL-designer. Its intended exactly for checking data sets...

Of course you can write any validation tool you want,  but you cannot do this and still conform to the XML Schema standard, that is why Schematron became important. With Schematron you can validate anything. As I wrote this morning, LinkEhr also generates Schematron for validation purpose.

this already works (for nearly 10 years) and it validates against the XML schema standard. What it doesn't do is validate everything you want to validate, i.e. not all things in the archetypes. But it's good enough most of the time.

I am in the proud possession of the book, "Definitive XML Schema 1.1" by 
Priscilla Walmsley. We had this discussion a few times already

I quote from

Another very important restriction for using XML Schema, in my opinion,
is that you cannot have two or more elements with the same name but a
different data type. This data type must be in detail the same. XML Schema
regards an Element with a Dv_Text as a different datatype from an Element
with a Dv_CodedText.

Both elements will be called "items" in an XML schema representing an
OpenEhr data structure, and thus is not allowed having them different
details in data types.

Sorry for the funny font,

To do things properly, I agree, you would probably use Schematron + XSD, or personally I have always thought that Schematron + Relax-NG would be better.

Also I went through that path, with Relax NG, I struggled quite some time with this, and not me alone. Ask Diego why LinkEhr does not export RelaxNG or XML Schema but Schematron as validation files (although, it was like this a few years ago, it still is so in the version I have).

The XSD standard-constraint mentioned above also becomes visible with standard XML libraries. If I would have time I would proof it to you in a simple way.

whether this is the real requirement being talked about here may be another question.

You are right, it was not what was asked, still I thought it would be interesting for others to know that there is a JSON Schematron parser (instead of an XML Schematron-parser), which can be used to validate JSON OpenEhr-datasets against archetypes/templates.

that might be an interesting thing to have in the openEHR toolkit. We are just now revising and re-organising all the openEHR XSDs, and also adding in some JSON-schemas. Any related artefacts that anyone wants to contribute, or fragments that could be used in something larger would be appreciated - it will all get posted in the specifications-ITS-XML git repo under the usual CC licence.

OpenEhr uses XSD schemas for class descriptions, there is no problem at all. It is even an often used methodology in the Java world to describe/generate class-interfaces. The problem is when using XML Schema for validation of archetyped XML-data. But again, this was not the problem the question was initially about. Sorry for the confusion.


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