Antonio Ospite escreveu:
Hi, Angelo I reformatted the message to better follow the discussion,
you can reply inline braking in pieces the quoted original message, it
will be easier and you don't have to copy content around.

And be sure to "Reply to All" for future discussions, so that the reply
arrives both to me and the list. Or just write to the list only if in

On Sat, 15 May 2010 11:03:58 -0300
angelo <> wrote:

Antonio Ospite escreveu:
On Fri, 14 May 2010 22:39:19 -0300
angelo <> wrote:

Ok, two different issues, card detection and rootfs location, we'd
better not mix them for now, focus on the first one.

Where did you get the working kernel? How is it named? Which version is
it? On the non-working kernel, which error is printed? I mean the exact
error message.
On the Kernel that no recognize my sd-card,it the original by Linus Torvalds
To compile,i first patched with the openezx patches,after patched,i compile the kernel (linus torvalds 2.6.24) with toolchain,the compile works successfully,i run on my cell with dual-boot,but do not recognize my sd-card.

Try always with latest kernel first, bugs are fixed every day.

Then a stupid question, have you tried with a different card?

No,i don´t try,i have only one sd-card :(

I see. MicroSD btw, that's the form factor A1200 uses, but you know

*My menu.lst on my card:
machid 1740
title  Motorola (default)
kernel /boot/default

title           A1200 OpenEZX
kernel        /boot/zImage-200906161422
param         mem=...@0xa0000000 mem=...@0xac000000
machid        1742/

I downloaded the secound kernel(of the menu.lst) from I rename to zImage-2 and i boot with it.This recognize my sd-card,but don´t boot with the correct partition.

If you use "param" in menu.lst you have to pass a full command line to
the kernel, try:

mem=...@0xa0000000 mem=...@0xac000000 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2
rootfstype=ext2 rootdelay=3
ip= debug

everything on ONE line, and you might want to change 'root' value
according to you partition table on the MicroSD.
Ah, and watch out the trailing / in the machid entry.

Kernels from wyrm are usually just the openezx official ones, so try the
guide from the wiki and let us know.
About rootfs location, print the exact message the working kernel gives
you about the 5511 address.

It show this on top:
mmc0: new SD card at address 5571.

and show the avaliable partitions under.

One of the partitions needs to be used as root, not this address.
The openezx kernel can be found on
building instructions are on

Cool project. Keep us posted.
Thanks Antonio.

 Now my battery its 0%,then i charging it now.

I am looking forward to see how the latest code behave.



Worked for me placing root=b301 (partition),but i need telnet the cell for my project. What the ip,how to configure the ip on boot-options?

I trying ; ; but don´t work..
Thankyou. I send this email to you and It´s correct?

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