Thomas Beale wrote:
> doesn't the fact of paying the same number but in your own currency fix
> this? E.g. 50AUD, 50M$, 50Euro, 50rupiah, 50USD, 50yuan etc?

Not really, because the granularity of currency units varies greatly
between countries - consider, for example:

50 Japanese Yen is only US$0.42
50 Philippine pesos is US$0.96
50 Mexican pesos is US$4.53
50 Indonesian rupiah is US$0.00562895

> But Tim
> seems to be saying start with e.g. 50AUD and convert this to all the
> other currencies?

And then apply the HDI-based factor to reduce the amount for
transitional and developing countries.

> My early concern (either way) would be the cost & resources of
> accounting, $ transfer & processing etc. Even if the supposed income
> covers the $-cost, will it realistically cover the human cost? Who will
> do all this?

No, the membership fee for each of the three HDI classes which Molly
proposes should be specified in only US dollars and Euros, or perhaps
only in Malaysian ringgit (that would make a refreshing change!).
Conversion of each member's local currency to the prescribed membership
fee would be the responsibility of the member and/or the payment
mechanism eg Paypal, or your credit/debit card provider. If I buy
something on the Internet from a vendor in a foreign country, my
expectation is that prices will be quoted in US dollars, Euros or in the
vendor's local currency, not in Australian dollars.

Tim C


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