David Forslund wrote:

>Yes, it would be nice if this info was put on the oscha.org web site (or
>at least told
>there where to find the information).   
The information is in the file section of this mailing list. That's how
Bhakar had set it. I can't attach files to post to the list. And I
understand why. We need to deliver within the constraints of the current
situation. I don't have access to the current server that oshca.org
resides in. It takes time, effort and money to find a new home for
OSHCA. But my focus now is the registration of OSHCA which had dogged us
for the past 3 years. The requirement for registering an NGO in Malaysia
is that a minimum of 7 people get together in a meeting, agree to form
the organisation, agree to a constitution, agree to a protem committee,
give some information on themselves. All these information in the form
of "minutes" of that meeting, the adopted constitution be then submitted
to the Registrar of Societies (ROS) using their prescribed forms in
order for the ROS to register OSHCA. If we have much more than 7 people,
we will make a better case for getting the registration and also create
the right message for funding.... See the quote from UNDP-APDIP below. 
So I urge as many as possible to support this registration process.
After registration, there is always that democratic process for
elections, amending the constitution etc.... In the meantime this is all
I can do in my power to make good my taking on to register OSHCA in the
manner I know.

>I don't understand
>"representation by region".

The constitution explains this.

>I assumed that people from anywhere can join and that region doesn't
That's true.

>also don't understand the use of HDI.
There must be an affordable and equitable membership fee to symbolise
the commitment if one wishes to be a member of OSHCA. Too small an
amount may make collecting the money not worth the effort as financial
cost may be more that the fees to be collected. This is an old issue. I
wish I know of a better way to categorise countries ......

>   It seems to me that the
>organization should
>look for non-profit foundation support rather than dues. 
I agree. It's the chicken and the egg situation. Right now most of the
cost incurred to get OSHCA registered is the protem committees' time. I
had started to source for funding and the following quote is the
response I receive to my request for support for OSHCA from UNDP-APDIP

>Dear Molly,
>Congratulations on your progress with OSHCA. Indeed health is an area where
>FOSS can make a lot of difference especially in the lives of the poor and
>marginalized in developing countries.
>Regarding your request, we are pleased to inform you that IOSN has just
>recently named centers of excellence in FOSS development in three
>areas/nodes: University of the South Pacific (for Pacific Island Countries),
>University of the Philippines Manila (for ASEAN+3), and CDAC for South Asia.
>The managers from each of these nodes will be formally meeting in Bangkok in
>early May together with UNDP-APDIP to determine their next steps. In fact,
>supporting FOSS efforts such as OSHCA will be on the discussion list.
>Offhand, I would say that the things you ask for, namely:
>"2. Some funding to purchase a server and have Co-location facilities 3.
>Maintenance of server and mailing list (volunteers from membership) 4. Some
>funding for organizing a post-incorporation meeting/conference to take stock
>of current FOSS applications/solutions in health care and to strategies
>OSHCA's future direction sometime end of 2006. We have volunteers to host
>the 2007 conference/meeting in Australia"
>are all within the purview of the IOSN although the manner of proceeding
>will be determined categorically only after the first steering committee
>meeting in Bangkok.
>We highly encourage you to proceed with your efforts to formally register
>OSHCA as no one will be able to consider support to it until it is a
>formally registered body, and we will get back to you once the processes for
>awarding IOSN grants have been finalized.
>We also would like to connect you with Dr. Alvin B. Marcelo who is the node
>manager for IOSN ASEAN+3(UP Manila). Dr. Marcelo is a surgeon with strong
>background in adopting FOSS for health care. He was part of the original
>group of OSHCA members back when they were still with Minoru.
>Finally, you should also know that we have shared your request with IDRC
>Ottawa (Laurent Elder) and he or Maria Ng (Pan-Asia, in Singapore) may also
>be in touch with you directly for further information.

>If the goals
>are worthwhile, it shouldn't be hard to find grant support of some kind.

Dave, it would be really nice if you help to get some funds as well. In
fact the OSHCA constitution provides for donations as well. Right now my
focus is to get OSHCA registered. To answer Fred's comment, there is no
link. The information is my announcement and the files I uploaded to the
files section of this list.

I hope when I upload the Inaugural Meeting form for participation by the
24th April, everyone will support it and be a member. The membership
fees will be paid only when OSHCA gets registered.


>Fred Trotter wrote:

>>Sorry, I do not find a link... should we be looking at www.oscha.org??
>>says the next meeting is in 2002.... :)
>>On 4/21/06, Molly Cheah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Hi everyone,
>>>I would like to announce the following:
>>>1) 25th April 2006 will be the OSHCA Inaugural Meeting Day. The form for
>>>participating in the inaugural meeting will be uploaded to the files
>>>section of this list by 24th April. I will provide the procedures for
>>>participating in this inaugural meeting by tomorrow as we need to
>>>finalise the representation for Latin America & Caribbean which is still
>>>2. The proposed OSHCA constitution (latest copy includes the OSHCA logo
>>>under Article 19), the OSHCA regions list and the OSHCA  country list by
>>>HDI (Human Development Index) are now available for you to download. The
>>>regions list essentially provides information of the region your country
>>>belongs to. Article 6 of the constitution provides for membership fees
>>>which is based on the principles of equity and affordability and the HDI
>>>list gives information on which category your country belongs to in the
>>>HDI list.
>>>Please note that the protem committee had gone through 7 drafts of the
>>>constitution which was also made available on this list for 7 days for
>>>comments. However, the constitution itself is a living document.
>>>For the purpose of registering OSHCA all those who wish to be OSHCA
>>>members need to agree to the constitution, agree to the resolutions
>>>(this will be uploaded by the 24th April) and provide minimal personal
>>>information all of which will be made available in the said form.
>>>As preparatory to the process, I suggest that you look through the
>>>constitution to familiarize with the Articles to understand your
>>>commitment if you chose to be a member of OSHCA.
>>>Yahoo! Groups Links
>>Fred Trotter
>>SynSeer, Consultant
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