Will Ross wrote:
> John,
> In this use case, the record is not held by the health care site  
> where the patient's confidential information is secure and private,  
> but in a community repository operated by a Regional Health  
> Information Organization (RHIO).   Operating edge proxies which host  
> access to uploaded copies of patient records, the RHIO seeks an  
> appropriate compromise between routine access to patient health data  
> and protection of sensitive information.   Unfortunately, the  
> originating records combine both routine and sensitive patient  
> information in a monolithic free text format, hence the search for an  
> appropriate NLP scrubbing step prior to export.
> Did I answer your question?

Thank you for your response, Will.

I fear I am being intentionally obtuse. But I get stuck at this 
distinction between routine access and sensitive information. Perhaps 
the RHIO gets to define the distinction? I think others have pointed out 
that one person may consider information sensitive that another may 
regard as routine, or even public.

I will withdraw to learn more about the RHIO.  :-)


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