On 3/2/07, Will Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking for a tool to suppress sensitive information (e.g., HIV
>  status, etc.) from free text clinical notes


In general, this falls under a number of natural language processing
tools and specific steps toward tokenizing, chunking, part-of-speech
tagging, classifying (e.g. to vocabularies or concept identifiers),
matching, anonymizing/de-identifying, etc.

The two tools I've worked with a little in the past are:

1) GATE - General Architecture for Text Engineering, developed at the
University of Sheffield NLP group in the UK

2) Project DIAsDEM and the DIAsDEM workbench developed by a great
group, including Karsten Winkler, in Germany

These more are less are a suite of tools containing a number of
individual components to perform the various NLP tasks, in some
sequence (steps can be recorded and set as a macro or batch) and with
customization for using language specific knowledge bases (e.g. names
derived from a US Census database) or UMLS concept identifiers.

A couple of example projects using these kinds of tools is the caTIES
application (http://caties.cabig.upmc.edu/index.html) for extraction
and classification of free text pathology reports and the RODS
biosurveillance application, also from the Univ of Pittsburgh
(http://openrods.sourceforge.net/), that takes free text and ICD-9
data for syndromic classification.

A specific NLP approach to HIV/AIDS notes performed at Columbia is
here (the MedLEE or "Medical Language Processing"):

~ Stuart

Dr. Stuart Turner
Health Informatics Graduate Program and
Biomedical Informatics Research & Consulting Service
University of California Davis Health System

2450 48th St, Suite 2685
Sacramento, CA 95817
916.734.3857 (voice) | 916.734.3975 (fax)
916.873.4325 (cell)  | stuart.turner.ucdavis (Skype)

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