Hi Blake!

You wrote:
> I know that it may seem trivial, but as I look around me, Ubuntu is taking
> over the systems world, and it's not because it's the best-engineered OS.
>  It's because it's approachable to people with little experience, because it
> makes it easy for them to learn the OS, and because the name is memorable.

That depends on how you define "systems world".  I don't know anyone
who uses Ubuntu.  I do know a number of people who use CentOS.  I know
many more who use Mac OS X.

> I don't want this project to suffer the fate of Sun, a company with
> brilliant engineers and technology that never got widely adopted because
> they couldn't communicate to a broader audience.

Hmmmm... if it had been that easy, I think Sun would have done it.
Water under the bridge, though.
But please don't harbor any illusions that it will ever come to a wide-
spread adoption of Illumos/OI.  It will not.  This project will live on
as long as there are people interested in working on it, not just using
it.  That's good.  I can live with that.

> I'll jump off this thread for a while now, to save your delete finger some
> effort :D

(rubbing finger now :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt               Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH                   WWW: http://www.bb-c.de/
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim                     Email: v...@bb-c.de
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513              Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J. H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

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