Thank you for the feedback! We decided to drop DEFAULT in favor of BALANCED. So here is the revised SceneAntiAliasing enum entries:

public enum SceneAntiAliasing {
BALANCED, // enables anti-aliasing using optimal system setting available that balances speed and quality
    DISABLED, // disables anti-aliasing
FASTEST, // enables anti-aliasing using minimum system setting available that results in better frame rate NICEST // enables anti-aliasing using maximum system setting available that results in best visual quality

- Chien

On 7/23/2013 1:29 PM, Chien Yang wrote:
Hi all,

We appreciate all the feedback you have contributed to this topic. After listening to the feedback and an internal discussion, we would like to propose a minor change to the API for supporting scene anti-aliasing. We intentionally choose not to expose the number of samples and techniques used in this release, but this doesn't preclude future addition when the time is right for more options. This change will be tracked by RT-31878 (

Anti-aliasing API Change Proposal:

Constructors remove:
public Scene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean depthBuffer, boolean antiAliasing) public SubScene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean depthBuffer, boolean antiAliasing)

Constructor add:
public Scene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean depthBuffer, SceneAntiAliasing antiAliasing) public SubScene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean depthBuffer, SceneAntiAliasing antiAliasing)

Note:The antiAliasing argument will be used if the underlying graphics driver has anti-aliasing support.

Where SceneAntiAliasing is an enum with the following entries at the moment:

public enum SceneAntiAliasing {
    DISABLED, // disables anti-aliasing
DEFAULT, // enables anti-aliasing using a default system setting available that balances speed and quality FASTEST, // enables anti-aliasing using minimum system setting available that results in better frame rate NICEST // enables anti-aliasing using maximum system setting available that results in best visual quality

- Chien

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