Hi August,

> "I think we already do multiple active cameras?"
> More precisely: simultaneous viewing from different points of view into a 
> single 3D scene graph was meant, i.e. several cameras are attached to one 
> scene graph.
> A SubScene has exactly one camera attached which renders the associated scene 
> graph into the corresponding SubScene's rectangle. Implementing simultaneous 
> viewing requires a cloned 3D scene graph for the second, third, and so on 
> SubScene/Camera. Material, Mesh, and Image objects can be re-used because 
> they are shareable. Animations of Nodes' Transforms seem to be shareable as 
> well. But Transitions (Rotate, Scale, Translate) have to be cloned because 
> they operate on a Node's methods directly. So, simultaneous viewing seems 
> practicable.

Jasper or Kevin will have to comment, but I know this scenario was talked about 
extensively in the design for the renderToImage and cameras, and I thought this 
was possible today.

> "Key/ mouse / touch / etc should be there already?"
> Scene navigation and model interaction are often the first stumbling blocks 
> for developers with less 3D experience. A ready to go rotate, zoom, and drag 
> support including setting of arbitrary pivot points and adjustment of the 
> camera's clipping planes would overcome one's inhibitions.

I see

> "Node's properties and methods"
> Before I agree with all of your appraisals I would like to gain more 
> experiences with their 3D related implementations. For instance I wasn't 
> successful so far assigning a cursor to a Shape3D or receiving response from 
> any 'setOnMouseXXX' method.

Yes, please do try it out, it should be working and if not please do file a 
bug. We use a pick-ray for determining which nodes to pick, and then deliver 
mouse events to 3D and 2D nodes the same way.


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