Michel Catudal wrote:
> ECDT_Debugger_Name = gdb
>> This is a silly default, but there isn't really a good default here.
>> I chose arm-elf-gdb.
> It is easy to change, I was just mentionning that it looks bad because 
> gdb is the local debugger and not an embedded one.
> A common free debugger is arm-elf-gdb while the most familiar commercial 
> versions have eabi in it. It would be better to have arm-elf-gdb
> or arm-linux-gdb since if you forget to change the default you will not 
> get weird messages that will confuse the hell out of a newbie.
> A missing filename message is better than a criptic message which unless 
> you realize that it is trying to debug x86 stuff makes no sense.
This is just silly.

You have to change it anyway - *any* default will be wrong for a
majority of users.

On my work machine, I have these versions:

which are used for different projects. Whichever is the default is wrong
for most work, and if the default is any one of these instead of the
native gdb, it won't help a bit for any debugging work that requires a
different one.


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