Hello Mike,

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004, Mike's List wrote:
> I've sucessfully open the ports to some of my packages.  I've installed
> postfix and correctly enter in place of (I'm testing
> the server before production) and can telnet to 25 however,
> PINE cannot connects to  I've configured PINE SMTP server to
> and configured all postfix variables in main.cf accordingly.
If you've used telnet to your IP and SMTP port and got a correct response
from postfix, then I would start looking elsewhere for the problem.

> Is is a postfix problem (doesn't seems like it) or PINE problem or
> something else I need to explore. I test my ports by telneting to that
> particular port and use nmap. Thanks.
I suggest you install the package 'netcat' and use it as a fake server to
see what pine is sending out the wire. Once you've installed netcat, stop
the postfix server and use telnet to test that the SMTP port is indeed
closed. Then start netcat in server mode (something like 'nc -l
-p 25') and send a message from pine in another terminal window. You should
see SMTP opcodes echoed out by netcat. If you suspect that netcat is not
doing its job, then just telnet to it as before and type anything at all
into the connection.

I hope that's all clear enough. Let me know if something is confusing about
diagnosing pine (or any client) with netcat, and good luck.

Development Team, Operations Northern Europe
Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services

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