On Feb 3, 2010, at 13:50 , François Leblanc wrote:
> Moreover keep in mind more use of opensc is done more usefull and longtime
> the project will exist,
> So to give the possibility for all windows application using cryptographics
> to use opensc is interesting...

Sure, I know the case with windows and BaseCSP and why the driver rocks, if 
finalized and why it is good and important.

But the way it is included and integrated with the rest of OpenSC should be 
discussed. I don't like the idea of putting it "on the same level" with 
libopensc and I don't like the current pcsc driver diff.

To see what it does and to be able to change anything, a doc on how to compile 
it is needed (you probably know it and can put necessary links in the wiki page 
and save others a hour of googling)

Martin Paljak

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