
sorry for the question out of the subject, but

When using OpenSC minidriver (or any other),
does there any existing (or that could be implemented)
possibility to re-actualize the card content and to propagate the
eventual changes to the Windows key stores
without re-inserting the card?

I imagine something like:
- card is used for windows logon and authentication (for ex. in IE);
- the on-card certificate is renewed/imported with some third application that 
accesses directly the card;
Is it possible to make these changes available for the Windows applications 
without card re-insertion ?

On 20.01.2011 00:46, Douglas E. Engert wrote:
> Attached is a patch to the cardmod code to do the following:
> (1) Fix an uninitialized stricture by  by using calloc
>     in stead of malloc. With out this it was having problems
>     with checking the status on the reader.
> (2) Implement a change that this should work for Brian Thomas
>     that allows one to not detect the reader when creating
>     the sc_context. This uses the
>     SC_CONTEXT_PARAM_DONT_DETECT_READERS flag in the ctx_params
>     (The more I think about this, this should be the default
>     to not detect the readers during the sc_create_ctx, as
>     a flag on opensc.conf could control this instead.)
>   (2) Eliminate the storing of the SCARDCONTEXT and SCARDHANDLE
>     in the registry. Instead, cardmod.c will store them
>     in its VENDOR_SCPECIFIC structure, call sc_context_create
>     in the ctx_params. It will then modify the ctx,
>     and then call sc_ctx_detect_readers that will call the
>     cardmod code in reader-pcsc.c that will use the SCARDCONTEXT
>     and SCARDHANDLE.
> I can get this to work in Vista with certutil -SCinfo, but there
> is some issue as is says it can not open the key. I think this
> is an issue with using a 39 character key container name and a
> constant for a serial number.
> It does not work with login or runas. This may be the same issue
> with after reading the certificate, it is not registering the
> container so it can be used later.
> The patch is against 0.12.0. and was built on Ubuntu.
> I would hope Brian and François could look this over to see if it
> should be committed.
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